Blue Microphones at CES 2012

We had the pleasure of stopping by Blue Microphones Booth at CES 2012 to take a look at their new products. They did have quite a bit displayed including the Snowball and Yeti microphones that we have used and found to be of excellent quality.

Tiki_3QtrFirst up is the Tiki, a small portable microphone solution for communications or recording. I must say this looks pretty sweet at about the size of a USB drive and no cables needed. It has noise cancellation technology, which mimic human hearing, to filter out unwanted noise. In Speech Mode it will soft mute the mic when you stop speaking allowing you to type or continue another task without extra noise being picked up. Start talking again and your being picked up once again.Tiki_Laptop

Tiki also features a Natural Recording Mode which is designed for podcasters and musicians. It effectively turns off the advanced features you would use in Speech Mode to provide you with CD quality recording. The Tiki looks awesome and has a great potential in this diverse audio market.



One of the better mics out there just got the digital treatment. The Spark Digital features both USB and iPad connections for a greater flexibility. It still has all the great features of the original Spark. MikeyD_iPhone

And for the road warrior, the Mikey Digital provides high quality audio recording on your iOS device. This is great for just about everything and even works when recording video. It also features a 3.5mm jack for inputs like your guitar.

Blue continues to innovate and produce exceptional products and these new mics look to be the same. The Mikey Digital set to sell for $99, the Spark Digital for $199 and the Tiki for $59.

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