Holy Veritech, Batman!

Ladies and gentlemen! It is time to introduce myself and although I am no stranger to the online community, this shall be forever known as my first post on Two Shots Of Geek. Suspense and Mystery they are begging me to say more, hath thou not want more?

I’m Wayne Thomson and I also go by the handle Redneckpoet all over the web and Xbox Live. Previously you may have read some of my articles or heard one of the podcast I took part in or wrote over at Disciplined Monkey Studios over the last 3 years. It has been a long wild ride, but as we grow we often find ourselves in need of a change. And I think it safe to day we are all moving along to bigger, greener pastures.

I’m one who grew up playing video games, reading comic books, taking anything electronic apart, writing and participating in sports. With Video games I played just about everything starting with the lovely commodore 64 with games like Super Zaxxon. As I grew up my focus moved to First Person Shooters and action games. Nevertheless, I still will play just about anything. Comic Books are still a joy to read! I grew up buying whatever comics I could find with a love for the classic Spider Man, Captain America, Robotech and all things Transformers- Just to name a few. It recent years, I have found auctions to be a great source to increase my collection as well as expanding into titles I otherwise would not have read. Sports always had me at hello! I started out with Little League baseball and moved into flag football and basketball in Elementary and JR High. At that time I also practiced Volleyball with the ladies. As High school came around I focused on running. Cross Country and Track and Field became a large portion of my life up until I graduated from college.

Technology is where the heart is. I not only repair computers regularly but I am also an advisor for buyers of technology. My expertise in hardware, software and security gives me a way to share and review products in a real world setting. Photography and Videography is another strong point and as with Technology the intertwine.

Sure that sounds like a lot and yes I could say more, but let’s wrap things up and see what 2 shots has for you! I will be writing and sharing many things for the geek in all of us!

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