Welcome, and welcome back!

It is the beginning as well as a continuation. Welcome everyone to Two Shots of Geek! This is Jorge, AKA El Culero, and I have been around the interwebz for quite a while now. I co-created Disciplined Monkey Studios over three years ago, have written tons of articles for them, recorded hundreds of podcasts like the Game Grind Podcast & WTF Weekly, covered tons of events, etc. I have enjoyed every minute over these years, and appreciate all I’ve experienced.

So why am I here? It is time I moved on to something different. I am a geek through and through, and felt like I could help bring all the right info, reviews, etc. that matters to us geeks in a better way. We have gathered here for you, and as Two Shots of Geek, will bring you all the content that you want to see, know about, and will bring you new things that you have not seen before, or didn’t know you even wanted to see. We will cover gaming, technology, anime, cosplaying…pretty much anything geek. For those of you who followed us on The Game Grind Podcast, don’t worry, we will continue podcasting for you all.

A little info on yours truly. I have been playing Video Games since the NES days, and fondly remember the challenge of the games of that era. Ninja Gaiden, Contra, and so many more, I, like most of us here, got our start then. My main passion is fighting games, and I play them on a decently high level. I have participated in a few tournaments, and will continue participating and informing you all about tournaments in any areas I find them, to support and grow your local fighting game community. I miss great J-RPGs, Final Fantasy 6 forever! I am taking this new journey as a way to better give content, be involved with the community, and I will also be starting my new workout/diet regimen, showing that the healthy geek is a possibility. Thank you for stopping by, and keep coming back, the amount of content we will be posting will be great. Get ready for us to bring you teh future, eight bits at a time!

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