It took me this long…

Hey, hi, what’s up? I’m Darryl the Obsidian Oni, I’m a procrastinator at times but, meh we all have our flaws no? I’ll be bringing you gaming news and general tomfoolery with a side of angry rants at anime and pop culture. Expect me to rave about things everyone hates about anime and games like some of the crap anime characters go through, or when right as a game gets good it cops out with a stupid plot device. Also expect many a nerdgasm when a few select titles drop like Mass Effect 3 and Ashura’s Wrath, I’ll even play the “crap” games and give a pretty cut and dry review…nevermind, expect a little satire from me about 98% of the time. Our bars always open, enjoy your Two Shots of Geek and don’t touch the strippers.

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