The Days of Geeks and Nerds Comes Together

Yes folks you heard that right!!! The days of Geeks, Nerds and other people in the middle come together and enjoy the 4 day festivities called San Diego Comic-Con International.

Comic-Con started back in 1970, by founder Sheldon “Shel” Dorf who was a comic strip letter and freelance artist and first organized a one-day convention (Golden State Comic-Minicon) on March 21, 1970. Following the initial gathering, Shel’s first three-day San Diego comics convention had a crowd of 300 people and was held at U.S. Grant Hotel from August 1–3, 1970. Other locations where the El Cortez Hotel, UC San Diego and Golden Hall in its early days, before being moved to the San Diego Convention Center in 1991.

So now with that small history about Comic-Con, going from 300 people in 1970 to having crowds of people just trying to walk inside San Diego’s Convention Center is just amazing! It is those 4 days full of Panels from Movies, Comic Book Artist, TV Shows, to buying comic books, graphic novels and drawings. It is not just for Geeks and Nerds, no it is for everyone and anyone who enjoys or want to relive their childhood all over again and share it with their kids.

If you happen to get passes for the 2012 Comic-Con, you will enjoy the sights of Downtown San Diego, the banners that hangs  down on every light post and the sounds of Geeks and Nerds verbally vomiting on each other on how one genre is better than the other. Make sure to say HELLO to us when we go!!!

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