Star Wars Kinect Midnight Launch

WP_000248Last night I headed out to my local Microsoft Store for the Midnight Launch Party of Star Wars Kinect. Food, drinks, prizes and fun awaited us as we sat in line. The event started at 10pm and lasted just past midnight. Darth Vader himself even showed up, too bad the force doesn’t work on the Kinect-he still had to move!

WP_000236That’s right the 501st Legion showed up in force, no pun intended, and many could be seen playing the game in costume which was just too funny. I started the night with some pizza and taking some time to play the game. For the 10 minutes I played I was impressed. They made some serious improvements since I tried it at E3 last year. It is still obvious the game is geared toward kids and family play. You have your campaign, a destruction game that reminded us of Rampage, Pod racing and a dancing game. I only played the campaign levels. The graphics are fair, but nothing to write home about.

This game is about moving and having fun, but what got me was how crazy I could control the light saber. Yes, folks I got hooked and ended up buying it. I see it as a casual game to play with friends or family. Some lucky people, like me, won prizes from a raffle. Someone walked away with a Kinect, another with an Xbox 360, and the rest were gift cards and Microsoft point cards. I won a $50 gift card, which I used to buy the game. Winning!

In all it was a fun night with a decent crowd, still considerably smaller than previous launch events. Enjoy the pictures below and maybe next time well see you there!

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