Through a sinister plot by the Joker I found myself wandering into a panel he surely thought would bore me to death! However, it was quite interesting. The Batmobile panel was all about the Documentary on, you guess it, the Batmobile and the different versions from the 60’s to the modern day Tumbler of Batman Begins, Dark Knight and the upcoming Dark Knight Rises. The panel had the owners and/or designers of Batmobiles on hand and were discussing things like engineering and the cost of building these masterpieces. Surprising to myself, was Jeff Dunham on the panel as he happens to have bought one of the Batmobiles some years ago. We were treated to a Twenty-Two minute preview of the documentary and I must say this looks very good.
Lot’s of information that you probable never even thought about. I think just about everyone will enjoy this forthcoming documentary. Also down in front of the Hilton Bayfront all 5 Batmobiles and the Camo Tumbler were on display. These are wonder vehicles, masterpieces of engineering and an art form of themselves.
The Robotech panel was much like years past with very little news. The 25th Anniversary soundtrack is still being delayed as they find more and more source material in Japan. The have release a few EPs to hold you over until then. Robotech: Love. Live. Alive will be released in the US, coming soon. It will focus on the story of Lancer, a survivor who took to the stage as a cross dresser to survive the Invid Invasion. It’s mostly old footage that was found and put together in the proper order. Looks very interesting and could be a great bridge between the New Generation story and Robotech Masters.
At the Gears of War panel we learned more about Gears Of War Judgment coming March 19th 2013. It will focus on Baird and his decision that put him in the hot seat and on military trial. The weapons in the game will be the improved versions we saw in Gears Of War 3, despite this being a story fourteen years prior to the events in the first game. The reason is to make the game more fun rather that less fun and more canon. The new Multiplayer mode is Overrun and looks a lot like an improved Horde mode. We get new objectives, new weapons, and for the first time classes. You can even be a medic that fires a healing gun!
I also got to spend some time playing the new Fall Of Cybertron multiplayer mode. I’m impressed as it feels like the War for Cybertron controls but more fluid and natural. The graphics look great and I cannot wait to play the full game. High Moon Studios who has created the Fall of Cybertron game is also hard at work on a Deadpool game that looks very promising. I missed out of playing Halo 4, but I did watch some gameplay and it looks awesome. Microsoft also recently announced the Halo 4 Console and Controllers. I also went backstage with Nintendo and got to play the new Wii U console. The tablet controller is light and feels better and more comfortable to hold than the Xbox 360 controller. The gameplay working with both the controller and the big screen work so smoothly it was surprising! That being said it will take some getting used to. As for the graphics…wow…was my first response as I had not expected the games to look that good. Batman Arkham City: Armored Edition for example looked better than the Xbox 360 and PS3 counter parts! Zombie U also looked amazing. Other games still had that 2D style that the Wii is known for. Seriously, I want a Wii U console!
Wrapping up this years Comic- Con was a busy place as always. Lines for panels sometimes extended around the Bayfront area for miles. I missed out on attended several panels including Larry King’s interview Of Peter Cullen. However, search YouTube and you can find it. It was a touching interview with lots of laughs. As for the costumes this year; there were less of the extraordinary awesome costumes that we have come to expect but we did find a few. A Special thanks to artist Becky Huard for snapping a few photos for us. I will be posting those along with the rest of mine on our Facebook page soon. It was fun while it lasted and we all look forward to next year.