Fly Away Now, Fly Away!

Sorry, this has nothing to do with PSG (I’m afraid to watch it actually), but it does have to do with wings! I’m still working on my Gwendolyn cosplay, but I’m at a stand still for a week because I have to fix up my Sora cosplay for my school’s Geek day for spirit week; they’re having a costume contest for seniors and their freshman buddies~ I hope I can find mine this week and get her to be my meowwow for lunch, at least TwT. But yes, cosplay progress…

I figured out my wings, mostly, the other night. For some reason they aren’t perfectly symmetrical so it’s bothering me, but I have to move the hinges around and junk. It’s not that noticable, but I’m afraid if I overlook it, it might not stand up right.
 I’ll also adjust the shape of the wings; I don’t like how round they are anymore or how I edged them, but that’ll come later.

I’m also fixing up my Sora shoes so I can actually walk in them, so keep an eye out for that; I’m hoping to make a tutorial.

And so my week hasn’t been very productive, but I blame school.

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