Adonit Jot Pro

Jot_Pro_Damp_Red_45While at CES this year we met with Adonit who makes some very intriguing stylus for use primarily with the iPad, yet work with other tablets as well. From the consumer to professional they seem to have one for everybody. As it happens they were kind enough to provide us with the Jot Pro for review, read on for the results.

At first glance, your going to wonder why the drastic difference in design from the stylus’ we are used to. The Jot Pro features a transparent precision disc and dampening tip that not only allows it to be quieter per stroke, but easy to see where your stroke is going to be. Great for connecting lines in drawings. If you have an iPad 2 or 3 it will magnetically attach to the side for easy storage on the go. We also get a rubber grip that is comfortable. A cap that screws over the disc for protection while not in use and easy screws on the top while you work. On the iPad front there are many Jot Ready Apps available which provide a better experience with features such a calibration and pressure sensitivity.

We put it through numerous tests, yet I must admit we don’t have an iPad. But that is quiteJot_Pro_Damp_Turquoise_Flat ok as we through it at a few different devices. Jorge gave it a quick test on his Samsung Note 2 and Acer IconiaTab shortly before we left Vegas. Once back in San Diego I tested it on my HP Touchpad both with WebOS apps and Android apps. Next I grabbed my Blackberry Playbook and used App World apps and sideloaded Android apps. Basically, on these platforms I downloaded any every free drawing app I could find.

Results were impressive. Just about every app and device worked great. Accuracy was easy than I thought and while I’m no where near the professional caliber of an artist, I was able to draw a simple sketch to illustrate. As for comfort, yes that is a good word for it as it is very much so while in use. And Shall  dare say my Touchpad had the better responsiveness than the Playbook with the Jot Pro. Very well made and designed. And should you press too hard in a direction the disc easily detaches and can be popped right back on. I’ve giving this stylus a thumbs up.


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