Injustice: Gods Among Us Comic Issues 7-9 Review

Injustice Comic Cover 3

Things are getting real in the Injustice world. We now have a Superman who wants to police the entire world. The way Superman has always been presented, he truly believes in a world of black and whites. Good and evil. Nothing in between. Now that he wants to be the main source of order, how will things go? This is what issues 7-9 are tackling, and a few other things. How does it go?

These issues tackle one of my favorite questions: What would happen if super heroes existed in the real world, and got involved in real world issues? Things are easy when they’re fighting ancient evil and aliens, but what about Earth issues? These issues present what I think would happen. Superman faces internal opposition, due to his actions. Issue #7 goes over what Superman did, and a realistic response from the government. Superman is presented differently than he usually is, and I like this new dimension to the man of steel.

Issues #8-9 present Superman’s response, as well as him rallying his allies. The plan against Superman is well thought out, and it involves the right villains. We get to see how Batman is taking things on from behind the scenes, and how some of the heroes, especially Wonder Woman, change their views just because of their faith in Superman. In fact, I saw a line I haven’t seen since Infinity Crisis: “I believe in Superman”. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen that, and so far, I must say that I agree. I believe in Superman in this series, and I’m very anxious to see what he does next, and who he goes after.


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