Injustice: Gods Among Us Comic Issue 17 Review

Injustice Insert 7The aftermath. In comics, the aftermath is as important, sometimes more so, than the actual event leading to it. This is the case because it is so easy to mess this up. Someone very important has been lost, and now we get to see how everyone reacts. As this important story continues, we are given a view most of us would have if we lived in this universe: from the bottom up.

There are some heroes who remind us that simple humans still have a very important place among these god-like figures. Catwoman is a great example, and she is portrayed perfectly here. She thinks about how powerful heroes can be, but also how they miss really helping those that they say are the reason they fight. Where do you draw the line between good and evil, when your champion has already committed murder? We are reminded that things aren’t just black and white, rather, many shades of gray.

Catwoman really makes you wonder how would heroes affect us if they lived in the real world, and also if they truly punish those who deserve it. Her run in with Superman is well written, and brings forward the fact that no matter what they say to each other, Batman and Superman are still friends…at least for now. There isn’t much action here at all, but it’s a great read, and a great reminder that even in a world where gods exist, it’s still important to be human.

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