Following in the wake of the popular Skylanders games, in which you buy figurines to play as different characters and levels, we have a new challenger to our wallets: Disney Infinity.
Developed by Avalanche Software and published by Disney Interactive, Disney Infinity is a very ambitious game. In fact, according to the E3insider website, this is “the most ambitious video game to carry The Walt Disney Company name E With all of the things that this game has, I can certainly say that I agree.

Of what I saw of the E3 trailers and gameplay, you collect the figurines in an in-game area called the “Toy Box Efrom which you select the character that you got from a figurine being placed on an Disney Infinity Base ( “Portal Efor Skylanders Egames) and create. While using the characters in game, you can do a multitude of things. From creating an entire world (Minecraft) to battling in an open world (it seemed like World of Warcraft-ish to me), this game literally has it all.
Much like Skylanders, you are expected to buy character figurines to be able to unlock the characters and whatever else you will need in game. However, unlike in Skylanders, the characters will actually unlock entire playsets. For example , if you want something like a Monster’s Inc. Playset, then you would need a Sully or a Mike. You are in control of stories now, so go forth and create. This seems like a great move on Disney Interactive’s part, kids will be begging mom or dad to buy a new figure to see new worlds and stories. Unlike having to buy the unlockable world packs with Skylanders, you have the option of buying a single character to unlock a new set.
One aspect of the game that made me very happy was the open world creation mode. With a nod to Minecraft, Disney really seemed to hit this one out of the park. The building mode looks absolutely stunning and there is no limit to what you can create. Want a Castle in the midst of an Aztec ruin? Go nuts and create it! I also love the fact that you can create your own ‘mini-games Ewhile in this mode. In the trailers I saw a Kart Racing track that was created and it was completely stunning. And who doesn’t love little Vanellope von Schweets kicking tail at racing?
Another mode that caught my eye was the battle mode. An open world in which Disney and Pixar characters race around and try to take each other out just seems awesome. Add a toilet paper bazooka and I am one happy camper. This mode really reminds me of what I have witnessed of MMO’s, only… much more cuddly. With all of the different weapon kinds and accessories for flight and speed, the mode may have won me over. I just really love the T.P. Bazooka, okay?

With all of the things that are going on in this game, it truly appears to hold up to namesake of Disney Infinity. The never-ending array of stories, creation, and battle; could you ever run out of things to accomplish in this game? Guess that we’ll find out soon enough!
Check out the video at this link if you want to see some of the gameplay in action.
Disney Infinity: For Your Consideration
Disney Infinity is slated to be released on August 18, 2013 and will be playable on the PC, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Wii and Wii U, Sony PS3, and Microsoft Xbox 360. In addition it will be included in the Google Play and Apple App Stores. This game has a rating of E10+.