Robotech: Love Live Alive Reviewed

NWS_488_4_3042Before we get into our review, here is the synopsis for Robotech: Love Live Alive. Note it is being released in a two DVD set with Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles. Taking place during and after the events of Robotech: The New Generation follows the adventures of Lieutenant Lance “Lancer” Belmont as he recounts his journey from before his first encounter with Scott Bernard to the aftermath following Admiral Rick Hunter’s expedition to liberate the Earth from the mysterious Invid race.


One thing to note is the production, which used source materials and animations (that had not previously been used for Robotech) from the 80’s was remastered and pieced together with new animation, audio tracks, voice overs and the works. It’s very obvious that a great deal of care and attention to deal went into this film. With this being said it is noticeable in some scenes yet still flows nicely, with only a few transitions that seem too sudden.

The story is solid and most Robotech fans will find the tale familiar. For myself, it provided the other side of the story I know while nostalgia is now calling for me to watch the entire series again. Even with the new voice tracks (which have many of the original voice actors reprising their roles), soundtrack, and animations it felt like the original series. It is true to the main story arcs, as expected.

Everything is just spot on. The new soundtracks while familiar add a layer of freshness that builds the atmosphere. The Voice acting and the return of the narrator were near perfect. The animation felt natural and blended the new and old quite well, with only a few transitions that felt too sudden. In one concert scene towards the end, we get some strobe effects that are a tad bit too intense. While it fits the scene, it could pose an issue for someone sensitive to seizures. The second half of the film was the strong point, still a very enjoyable film from start to finish.

If I had to give this a score, I’d say nine out of ten. Be sure to pick up your copy tomorrow, July 23rd. Along with this all new feature film, you’ll get the wonderful Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles in the two DVD set with a suggest retail price of $19.99. That makes this an even better value and a great way to step into the Robotech universe.

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