WIP Wednesday: I’m Still Alive


So, what has Kim been up to? Being stressed out and having break downs. I desperately needed winter break to arrive, and it’s still a bit bumpy, but break has been generous to me. However with winter break here, I attempted to make it a tradition to create at least one cosplay over break, and it was pretty dang successful.10389547_924398267585404_3384953001739116290_n

I actually don’t have a complete photo of Ruby yet…

I finally made my Ruby Rose cosplay, but it’s far from complete. I never really finished making my belt, hems need to be cleaned, etc. But my biggest thing is making Crescent Rose fold. I know how to do it, it’s just a matter of actually assembling it. Plus, Crescent Rose wanted to fall apart while I was at Kaiju, so I’ll be reinforcing bits and pieces while I’m at it. For now, Ruby was a success! I’ll be posting a little bit about my Ruby cosplay sometime in the future, so look forward to it!

Also, Say hi to Crescent Rose!
Also, Say hi to Crescent Rose!

Another project I took on was making my boyfriend’s cosplay much better. It technically was his Christmas gift… I didn’t have time to finish it just yet, but I will manage! He doesn’t mind anyway, so long as he can have his dream cosplay. Just gotta add a little more texture and paint to the helmet, the sword….that’s another story.20150107_233724[1] 20150107_233717[1]

The one on the right is  my boyfriend with the original helmet. It wasn't entirely sturdy and the texture really wasn't so apparent/
The one on the right is my boyfriend with the original helmet. It wasn’t entirely sturdy and the texture really wasn’t so apparent.

What’s this? Another project! This one is a commission I’ve been struggling with due to inexperience… and mostly time. I wanted to try working with wood but I don’t know anything about it so…yeah. I bought MDF and soon learned that a dremel isn’t going to cut it, so I set out with my trusty box cutter and carved away at it for at least 6 hours total until all the pieces were finished. Oh right I left out something pretty important. I’m making Kim Diehl’s lantern from Soul Eater. That’s one series I want to get back into, but for now I’ll just take care of the prop. 20150105_142052[1]

One last note I wanna leave is my next project. I really don’t know what I want to start on, but I’ve been jumping from project to project. I tested plaster strips (I dipped muslin into plaster and draped over my dressform), I heat formed EVA foam mats, and I tried using a commercial pattern for the first time. I’ll post photos of those later when I get further along with them, but that might be a while.

That concludes this week’s WIP Wednesday. Happy New Years; do your best and strive to be the best cosplayer you can!


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